AGM2464D-NL-GTD-T Подобна

  • AGM2412B-FCBBD-T
    • 0.0-5.5V; number of dots 240 x 128dots; dot size0.47 x 0.47mm; dot pitch0.5 x 0.5mm; AZ display
  • AGM2412B-FCBBH-T
    • 0.0-5.5V; number of dots 240 x 128dots; dot size0.47 x 0.47mm; dot pitch0.5 x 0.5mm; AZ display
  • AGM2412B-FCBBH-T
    • 0.0-5.5V; number of dots 240 x 128dots; dot size0.47 x 0.47mm; dot pitch0.5 x 0.5mm; AZ display
  • AGM2412B-FCBBS-T
    • 0.0-5.5V; number of dots 240 x 128dots; dot size0.47 x 0.47mm; dot pitch0.5 x 0.5mm; AZ display
  • AGM2412B-FCBBW-T
    • 0.0-5.5V; number of dots 240 x 128dots; dot size0.47 x 0.47mm; dot pitch0.5 x 0.5mm; AZ display
  • AGM2412B-FCBTD-T
    • 0.0-5.5V; number of dots 240 x 128dots; dot size0.47 x 0.47mm; dot pitch0.5 x 0.5mm; AZ display
  • AGM2412B-FCBTH-T
    • 0.0-5.5V; number of dots 240 x 128dots; dot size0.47 x 0.47mm; dot pitch0.5 x 0.5mm; AZ display
  • AGM2412B-FCBTH-T
    • 0.0-5.5V; number of dots 240 x 128dots; dot size0.47 x 0.47mm; dot pitch0.5 x 0.5mm; AZ display

AGM2464D-NL-GTD-T Datasheet и Spec

Производител : AZ Displays 

Опаковка :  

Pins : 0 

Температурата : Мин 0 °C | Макс 50 °C

Размер : 599 KB

Заявление : 0.3-7.0V; number of dots 240 x 64dots; dot size0.49 x 0.49mm; dot pitch0.53 x 0.53mm; AZ display 

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