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6A-7S T4312816A-8S T224162-35S T15N1M16A-70JI T221160A-35J T4312816A-6S T35L6464A-5Q T35L6432B-12T T15M1024A-70H T2316407A T224162-45J T14M256A-8J T224162-28S T224162-50S T14L256A-8P T15M256B-85DI T224162-45J T224162-22S T15M1024A-100NI T15N1M16A-70C T15N1M16A-70J T15V2M16B-70S T

Tmtech Схеми каталог-5

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T35L6432A-5Q Tmtech0.5 to 4.6V; 1.6W; 64K x 32 SRAM 3.3V supply, fully registered inputs and outputs, burst counter
T4312816A-7S Tmtech143MHz; 1.0 to 4.6V; 1.0W; 8M x 16 SDRAM 2M x 16bit x 4banks synchronous DRAM
T4312816A-8S Tmtech125MHz; 1.0 to 4.6V; 1.0W; 8M x 16 SDRAM 2M x 16bit x 4banks synchronous DRAM
T224162-35S Tmtech256K x 16 DRAM EDO page mode, 35ns
T15N1M16A-70JI Tmtech-0.5 to 4.6V; 0.7W; 64K x 16 low power CMOS static RAM
T221160A-35J Tmtech35ns; 4.5 to 5.5V; 1.0W; 64K x 16 dynamic RAM fast page mode
T4312816A-6S Tmtech166MHz; 1.0 to 4.6V; 1.0W; 8M x 16 SDRAM 2M x 16bit x 4banks synchronous DRAM
T35L6464A-5Q Tmtech0.5 to 4.6V; 1.6W; 64K x 64 SRAM 3.3V supply, fully registered inputs and outputs, burst counter
T35L6432B-12T Tmtech0.5 to 4.6V; 1.6W; 64K x 32 SRAM 3.3V supply, fully registered inputs and outputs, burst counter
T15M1024A-70H Tmtech-0.5 to 7V; 0.7W; 128 x 8 low power CMOS static RAM
T2316407A Tmtech0.5 to 4.6V; 1.0W; 4M x 4 dynamic RAM EDO page mode
T224162-45J Tmtech256K x 16 DRAM EDO page mode, 45ns
T14M256A-8J Tmtech8ns; -0.5 to 7.0V; 1.0W; 50mA; 32 x 8 high speed CMOS static RAM
T224162-28S Tmtech256K x 16 DRAM EDO page mode, 28ns
T224162-50S Tmtech256K x 16 DRAM EDO page mode, 50ns
T14L256A-8P Tmtech8ns; -0.5 to 4.6V; 1.0W; 32 x 8 high speed CMOS static RAM
T15M256B-85DI Tmtech-0.5 to 7V; 0.7W; 32 x 8 low power CMOS static RAM
T224162-45J Tmtech256K x 16 DRAM EDO page mode, 45ns
T224162-22S Tmtech256K x 16 DRAM EDO page mode, 22ns
T15M1024A-100NI Tmtech-0.5 to 7V; 0.7W; 128 x 8 low power CMOS static RAM
T15N1M16A-70C Tmtech-0.5 to 4.6V; 0.7W; 64K x 16 low power CMOS static RAM
T15N1M16A-70J Tmtech-0.5 to 4.6V; 0.7W; 64K x 16 low power CMOS static RAM
T15V2M16B-70S Tmtech-0.2 to 4.6V; 1.0W; 128K x 16 low power CMOS static RAM
T15L256A-70D Tmtech70ns; -0.5 to 4.6V; 0.5W; 32 x 8 high speed CMOS static RAM
T35L6464A-5L Tmtech0.5 to 4.6V; 1.6W; 64K x 64 SRAM 3.3V supply, fully registered inputs and outputs, burst counter
T15M64A-100P Tmtech100ns; -0.5 to 7V; 0.7W; 8K x 8 low power CMOS static RAM
T15V2M16B-55S Tmtech-0.2 to 4.6V; 1.0W; 128K x 16 low power CMOS static RAM
T15M256B-70NI Tmtech-0.5 to 7V; 0.7W; 32 x 8 low power CMOS static RAM
T15N1M16A-70J Tmtech-0.5 to 4.6V; 0.7W; 64K x 16 low power CMOS static RAM
T14L1024N-10H Tmtech10ns; -0.5 to 4.6V; 1.0W; 50mA; 128 x 9 high speed CMOS static RAM

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