Path:okDatasheet > Полупроводникови Datasheet > ROHM Datasheet > ROHM-33

060L-40 BU2630FV LD-603VR BA14741F BA6809F UMZ8.2 BU8315S UDZ6.8B BA3899F SLA-580LT UMX4N LB-203YB DTC125TKA DTA114TUA BA6247N RB063L-30 BA618 DTC114TKA BU2092 BA7182AS BA17807FP LB-403F1 DTC143ZKA LD-001MG BA6845FS BA7762AFS BH4128FV BA13002F

ROHM Схеми каталог-33

Част НеПроизводителЗаявление
DTB113ES ROHMDigital PNP transistor (with resistors)
BA6846FS ROHMStepping motor driver
RB060L-40 ROHMSchottky barrier diode, 40V, 2A
BU2630FV ROHMDual PLL frequency synthesizer
LD-603VR ROHMFlat display
BA14741F ROHMQuad operational amplifier
BA6809F ROHM2-phase half-wave motor driver
UMZ8.2 ROHMZener diode
BU8315S ROHMPanel interface
UDZ6.8B ROHMZener diode
BA3899F ROHMEL driver for portable sets
SLA-580LT ROHMHigh luminance, small LED
UMX4N ROHMDual NPN transistor, high-frequency
LB-203YB ROHMHigh efficiency, three-digit numeric display
DTC125TKA ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistors)
DTA114TUA ROHMDigital PNP transistor (with resistor)
BA6247N ROHMReversible motor driver
RB063L-30 ROHMSchottky barrier diode, 30V, 2A
BA618 ROHMLED driver
DTC114TKA ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistors)
BU2092 ROHM12-bit serial in, parallel out driver IC
BA7182AS ROHM2-channel PRE/REC amplifier with auto-tracing interface
BA17807FP ROHM7V regulator
LB-403F1 ROHMHigh efficiency, three-digit numeric display
DTC143ZKA ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistors)
LD-001MG ROHMFlat display
BA6845FS ROHMStepping motor driver
BA7762AFS ROHMAudio signal processor for minicomponent systems
BH4128FV ROHMSecond mixer IF for digital cellular phones
BA13002F ROHMInterface driver for microcomputer peripherial and display devices

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