Path:okDatasheet > Полупроводникови Datasheet > National Semiconductor Datasheet > National Semiconductor-253

5962-89556012A 54F181SDMQB COPCH912-FEJ/N LMC6572AIM 54F02FMQB DS8921AM LM6171AIN LP3982IMMX-2.82 5962-8877101RA LM4880MX LP2987AIMX-3.3 LM4041BIM3-1.2 54F2640DMQB CLC231A8CC LM4040EIM3X-2.5 54ACQ244DMX LM4850MT LMF100CIWM LM2599S-ADJ LM317AEMPX LM614IWMX LM9022M 54F139FMQB 5962R

National Semiconductor Схеми каталог-253

Част НеПроизводителЗаявление
DS3884AVX National SemiconductorBTL Handshake Transceiver
CLC406MDC National SemiconductorWideband, Low-Power Monolithic Op Amp
5962-89556012A National SemiconductorOctal D Latch with TRI-STATE Outputs
54F181SDMQB National Semiconductor4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit
COPCH912-FEJ/N National Semiconductor8-Bit Microcontrollers
LMC6572AIM National SemiconductorDual Low Voltage (2.7V to 3V) Operational Amplifier
54F02FMQB National SemiconductorQuad 2-Input NOR Gate
DS8921AM National SemiconductorDifferential Line Drivers and Receiver Pair
LM6171AIN National SemiconductorHigh Speed Low Power Low Distortion Voltage Feedback Amplifier
LP3982IMMX-2.82 National SemiconductorMicropower, Ultra Low-Dropout, Low-Noise, 300mA CMOS Regulator
5962-8877101RA National Semiconductor8-Input Universal Shift/Storage Register with Common Parallel I/O Pins
LM4880MX National SemiconductorDual 200 mW Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode
LP2987AIMX-3.3 National SemiconductorMicropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset Delay
LM4041BIM3-1.2 National SemiconductorPrecision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference
54F2640DMQB National SemiconductorOctal bus transceiver with 25 Ohm series resistors in the outputs. Device with environmental and burn-in processing shipped in tubes.
CLC231A8CC National SemiconductorFast Settling Wideband Buff-Amp
LM4040EIM3X-2.5 National SemiconductorPrecision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference
54ACQ244DMX National SemiconductorQuiet series octal buffer/line driver with TRI-STATE outputs. Devices shipped in 13 inches reels.
LM4850MT National SemiconductorMono 1.5 W / Stereo 300 mW Power Amplifier
LMF100CIWM National SemiconductorHigh Performance Dual Switched Capacitor Filter
LM2599S-ADJ National SemiconductorSIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 KHz 3A Step-Down Voltage Regulator with Features
LM317AEMPX National Semiconductor3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator
LM614IWMX National SemiconductorQuad Operational Amplifier and Adjustable Reference
LM9022M National SemiconductorVacuum Fluorescent Display Filament Driver
54F139FMQB National SemiconductorDual 1-of-4 Decoder/Demultiplexer
5962R8776001SRA National SemiconductorOctal Buffer/Line Driver with TRI-STATE Outputs
LF398H National SemiconductorMonolithic Sample and Hold Circuit
JD54LS109BFA National SemiconductorDual Positive Edge-Triggered J-K Flip-Flop with Preset, Clear, and Complementary Outputs
JM38510/10304BP National SemiconductorVoltage Comparator
LM79L15ACMX National SemiconductorSeries 3-Terminal Negative Regulators

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