NEL Datasheet за търсене, Последно NEL Схеми

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NEL официалния уебсайт

-Късно NEL PDF Datasheet

Част НеЗаявление
HS2840 5 V, +/-100 ppm, ECL crystal clock oscillator
SM371 5 V, +/-50 ppm, CMOS crystal clock oscillator
SD2920 5 V, +/-100 ppm, differential positive ECL fast edge crystal clock oscillator
HS800 5 V, +/-100 ppm, ECL crystal clock oscillator
SMA1870 3.3 V, +/-100 ppm, positive ECL crystal clock oscillator
SMA1531 3.3 V, +/-50 ppm, TTL crystal clock oscillator
SA1371 5 V,+/-50 ppm, CMOS compatible enable/disable crystal clock oscillator
SK290B 5 V,+/-50 ppm, differential positive ECL crystal clock oscillator
PJ2D00 5 V, +/-100 ppm, LVDS crystal clock oscillator
SA137A 5 V,+/-20 ppm, CMOS compatible enable/disable crystal clock oscillator
SJA1449 3.3 V, customer specific, LVCMOS crystal clock oscillator
HSA2877 3.3 V, +/-25 ppm, differential positive ECL crystal clock oscillator
HS469 5 V, customer specific, CMOS crystal clock oscillator
SD298C 5 V, +/-100 ppm, differential positive ECL crystal clock oscillator
SJA16C 3.3 V,+/-100 ppm, TTL crystal clock oscillator
HS877 5 V, +/-25 ppm, positive ECL crystal clock oscillator
SMA1450 3.3 V,+/-100 ppm, CMOS crystal clock oscillator
SAA167 3.3 V,+/-25 ppm, TTL crystal clock oscillator
SAA2879 3.3 V, customer specific, differential positive ECL crystal clock oscillator
SC144C 5 V, +/-100 ppm, LVCMOS crystal clock oscillator
HA143B 5 V, +/-50 ppm, CMOS crystal clock oscillator
HS283B 5 V,+/-50 ppm, ECL crystal clock oscillator
SMA837 3.3 V, +/-25 ppm, ECL crystal clock oscillator
SA138B 5 V,+/-50 ppm, CMOS compatible enable/disable crystal clock oscillator
SKA2907 3.3 V, +/-25 ppm, differential positive ECL crystal clock oscillator
SCB1441 2.5 V, +/-50 ppm, LVCMOS crystal clock oscillator
PJ2D0B 5 V, +/-50 ppm, LVDS crystal clock oscillator
HA1520 5 V,+/-100 ppm, TTL crystal clock oscillator

NEL Профил

NEL Frequency Controls, Inc. is the technology leader in the design and manufacture of ultra low phase noise/ phase jitter crystal oscillator solutions. Provided are highlights of NEL's low phase noise technology capabilities: Ultra Low Phase Noise (ULPN) OCXO