Path:okDatasheet > Полупроводникови Datasheet > Mitel Datasheet > Mitel-18
SP8904MP1S MT8952BE SL1914AMP1S VP211ACGMP1S MT8962AS MT8889CS MT8962AE 1A288 SL2015KG ACE9050IG MT9094AP MT8964AE MT9196AS MT8816AP PDSP16350B0 SP8910KG MT8870DE/DE-1 MH88612K 1A436 MT8870DC/DC-1 MT91610AQ ACE9050D MT9125AP SL1461SA MH88400-2 MH88617AT-PI WL600C MT9196AP
Част Не | Производител | Заявление |
MT8965AC | Mitel | Intergated PCM filter codec. |
PDSP16318IG | Mitel | 20MHz; 0.5-7.0V; complex accumulator. For high speed complex FFT, DFTs |
SP8904MP1S | Mitel | 6-5V; 5GHz +4fixed modulus divider |
MT8952BE | Mitel | 0.3-7.0V; +-25mA; HDLC protocol controller. For data link controllers and protocol generators; digital sets, PBXs and private packet network |
SL1914AMP1S | Mitel | 0.3-7.0V; satellite tuner front end LNA with AGC. For satellite receiver systems, data communications systems, master antennae distribution systems |
VP211ACGMP1S | Mitel | 0.3-7.0V; dual 90MHz 6-bit analog to digital converter. For satellite decoders, multimedia, communications |
MT8962AS | Mitel | Intergated PCM filter codec. |
MT8889CS | Mitel | Integrated DTMF transiver with Adaptive micro interface. Applications credit card systems, paging systems, repeater systems/mobile radio, interconnect dialers and personal computers. |
MT8962AE | Mitel | 0.3-6.0V; 20mA; integrated PCM filter codec. For ST-BUS compatible, transmit/receive filters & PCM codec in one I.C. |
1A288 | Mitel | 1.5V; 250mW; 840mm high-performance LED, for avionics, military datacom |
SL2015KG | Mitel | 0.3-7.0V; full band satellite tuner. For satellite tuners, communications systems |
ACE9050IG | Mitel | 3.6-5.0V; system controller and data modem. For AMPS and TACS cellular telephone, 2-way radio systems |
MT9094AP | Mitel | Digital telephone (DPhone-II). Applications fully integrated digital telephone sets, cellular phone sets, local area communication stations. |
MT8964AE | Mitel | Intergated PCM filter codec. |
MT9196AS | Mitel | Integrated digital phone circuit (IDPC). Applications digital telephone sets; wireless telephones; local area communication stations. |
MT8816AP | Mitel | 4.5-13.2V; 15mA; 8 x 16 analog switch array. For key systems, PABX and key systems, mobile radio, test equipment/instrumentation, analog/digital multiplexers, audio/video switching |
PDSP16350B0 | Mitel | 0.5-7.0V; 18mA; 20MHz; I/Q splitter/NCO. For numerically controlled oscillator (NCO), quadrature signal generator, FM PM AM signal modulator |
SP8910KG | Mitel | 6-5V; 5GHz +10fixed modulus divider |
MT8870DE/DE-1 | Mitel | 7V; 10mA; central office SLIC. For paging systems, repeater systems/mobile radio, credit card systems, remote control, personal computers, phone answering machine |
MH88612K | Mitel | 0.3-15V; 2W; subscriber line interface circuit. For PABX, intercoms, key systems, control systems |
1A436 | Mitel | 0.5V; 160mW; 1300mm high-performance LED; for sensors, signal transmission |
MT8870DC/DC-1 | Mitel | 7V; 10mA; central office SLIC. For paging systems, repeater systems/mobile radio, credit card systems, remote control, personal computers, phone answering machine |
MT91610AQ | Mitel | 3V; analog ringing SLIC. For PABX, intercoms, key telephone systems |
ACE9050D | Mitel | 3.6-5.0V; system controller and data modem. For AMPS and TACS cellular telephone, 2-way radio systems |
MT9125AP | Mitel | 0.3-7V; 20mA; dual ADPCM transcoder. For pair gain, voice mail systems, wireless set base stations |
SL1461SA | Mitel | 0.3-7.00V; wideband PLL FM demodulator. For satellite receiver systems, data comunications systems |
MH88400-2 | Mitel | 6V; 90mA; line interface circuit. For DAA, modem, fax, answering machine, terminal equipment |
MH88617AT-PI | Mitel | 0.3-6.0V; programmable SLIC with ringing amplification. For PABX/key telephone system, analog terminal adaptors, pair gain system, fibre in the loop/wireless local loop |
WL600C | Mitel | 4V 2.4-2.5GHz RF and IF circuit |
MT9196AP | Mitel | Integrated digital phone circuit (IDPC). Applications digital telephone sets; wireless telephones; local area communication stations. |