Path:okDatasheet > Полупроводникови Datasheet > Mitel Datasheet > Mitel-18

SP8904MP1S MT8952BE SL1914AMP1S VP211ACGMP1S MT8962AS MT8889CS MT8962AE 1A288 SL2015KG ACE9050IG MT9094AP MT8964AE MT9196AS MT8816AP PDSP16350B0 SP8910KG MT8870DE/DE-1 MH88612K 1A436 MT8870DC/DC-1 MT91610AQ ACE9050D MT9125AP SL1461SA MH88400-2 MH88617AT-PI WL600C MT9196AP

Mitel Схеми каталог-18

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MT8965AC MitelIntergated PCM filter codec.
PDSP16318IG Mitel20MHz; 0.5-7.0V; complex accumulator. For high speed complex FFT, DFTs
SP8904MP1S Mitel6-5V; 5GHz +4fixed modulus divider
MT8952BE Mitel0.3-7.0V; +-25mA; HDLC protocol controller. For data link controllers and protocol generators; digital sets, PBXs and private packet network
SL1914AMP1S Mitel0.3-7.0V; satellite tuner front end LNA with AGC. For satellite receiver systems, data communications systems, master antennae distribution systems
VP211ACGMP1S Mitel0.3-7.0V; dual 90MHz 6-bit analog to digital converter. For satellite decoders, multimedia, communications
MT8962AS MitelIntergated PCM filter codec.
MT8889CS MitelIntegrated DTMF transiver with Adaptive micro interface. Applications credit card systems, paging systems, repeater systems/mobile radio, interconnect dialers and personal computers.
MT8962AE Mitel0.3-6.0V; 20mA; integrated PCM filter codec. For ST-BUS compatible, transmit/receive filters & PCM codec in one I.C.
1A288 Mitel1.5V; 250mW; 840mm high-performance LED, for avionics, military datacom
SL2015KG Mitel0.3-7.0V; full band satellite tuner. For satellite tuners, communications systems
ACE9050IG Mitel3.6-5.0V; system controller and data modem. For AMPS and TACS cellular telephone, 2-way radio systems
MT9094AP MitelDigital telephone (DPhone-II). Applications fully integrated digital telephone sets, cellular phone sets, local area communication stations.
MT8964AE MitelIntergated PCM filter codec.
MT9196AS MitelIntegrated digital phone circuit (IDPC). Applications digital telephone sets; wireless telephones; local area communication stations.
MT8816AP Mitel4.5-13.2V; 15mA; 8 x 16 analog switch array. For key systems, PABX and key systems, mobile radio, test equipment/instrumentation, analog/digital multiplexers, audio/video switching
PDSP16350B0 Mitel0.5-7.0V; 18mA; 20MHz; I/Q splitter/NCO. For numerically controlled oscillator (NCO), quadrature signal generator, FM PM AM signal modulator
SP8910KG Mitel6-5V; 5GHz +10fixed modulus divider
MT8870DE/DE-1 Mitel7V; 10mA; central office SLIC. For paging systems, repeater systems/mobile radio, credit card systems, remote control, personal computers, phone answering machine
MH88612K Mitel0.3-15V; 2W; subscriber line interface circuit. For PABX, intercoms, key systems, control systems
1A436 Mitel0.5V; 160mW; 1300mm high-performance LED; for sensors, signal transmission
MT8870DC/DC-1 Mitel7V; 10mA; central office SLIC. For paging systems, repeater systems/mobile radio, credit card systems, remote control, personal computers, phone answering machine
MT91610AQ Mitel3V; analog ringing SLIC. For PABX, intercoms, key telephone systems
ACE9050D Mitel3.6-5.0V; system controller and data modem. For AMPS and TACS cellular telephone, 2-way radio systems
MT9125AP Mitel0.3-7V; 20mA; dual ADPCM transcoder. For pair gain, voice mail systems, wireless set base stations
SL1461SA Mitel0.3-7.00V; wideband PLL FM demodulator. For satellite receiver systems, data comunications systems
MH88400-2 Mitel6V; 90mA; line interface circuit. For DAA, modem, fax, answering machine, terminal equipment
MH88617AT-PI Mitel0.3-6.0V; programmable SLIC with ringing amplification. For PABX/key telephone system, analog terminal adaptors, pair gain system, fibre in the loop/wireless local loop
WL600C Mitel4V 2.4-2.5GHz RF and IF circuit
MT9196AP MitelIntegrated digital phone circuit (IDPC). Applications digital telephone sets; wireless telephones; local area communication stations.

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