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Част НеЗаявление
MI31T 5V infrared emitting diode
SPC-1207P-471 SMD power inductor
PIT-2301 ISDN interface transformer for SIEMENS 2091
BC142 NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor
2612G 220mA 10V led backlight for LCD display
MY51T 5V, 60mW yellow LED lamp
SMI-42-681 SMD power inductor
MLV-10-OR 5V bar graph array
SPC-0603-120 SMD power inductor
MSB31W 5V, 45mW red LED lamp
MY132A 0.3
MSE18TA-2 5V, 100mW red LED lamp
MOB75T 5V, 100mW rectangular bar LED lamp
BC728 625mW PNP AF medium power transistor
SMI-90-271 SMD power inductor
BC214 300mW PNP silicon planar epitaxial transistor
MOB51T 5V, 90mW orange LED lamp
MSB51TK-1 5V, 100mW ultra high brightness red LED lamp
MYB31D 5V, 60mW yellow LED lamp
2N5820 Complementary silicon AF medium power transistor
PN2483 NPN silicon planar transistor
MOB51TAH 5V, 90mW orange LED lamp
2N3711 360mW NPN silicon general purpose AF transistor
MOZ51CK-3 5V, 90mW ultra high brightness orange LED lamp
2N4060 360mW PNP silicon general purpose AF transistor
2N4403 500mW PNP silicon planar epitaxial transistor
MYB61D 60mW, 5V - led lamp
MS31WA 5V, 100mW red LED lamp

Micro Electronics Профил

Micro Electronics Corporation , based in the heart of Silicon Valley , was established in 1975. We have been the distributor of Micro Electronics Ltd. products in the United States . We have also worked as a semiconductors importing/exporting company to help our Asian and US customers. Over our 20 years, we have maintained good relationships with many manufacturers allowing us to get the lowest prices possible.