Path:okDatasheet > Полупроводникови Datasheet > Linear Datasheet > Linear-10

LTC203 LT1034-2.5 LT1375HVCS8 LT1302-5 LTC1148CN-5 LT1881 LTC692CN8 LT1203 LTC1064-1 LT685CH LT1186 LT1016IN8 LT1675-1 LTC1272-3CCS LT1767EMS8-2.5 LTC1044 LT1011MH LTC1090ACN RH1011 LTC1164-5 LTC1503-2 LTC1262 LTC485CS8 LTC1154CN8 LT1372CS8 LT1963EQ-2.5 LTC1433 LT1079IN

Linear Схеми каталог-10

Част НеПроизводителЗаявление
LT1086CM-3.6 Linear1.5A low dropout positive regulators fixed 3.6V
LTC1419 Linear14-Bit, 800ksps Sampling A/D Converter with Shutdown
LTC203 LinearMicropower, Low Charge Injection, Quad CMOS Analog Switches
LT1034-2.5 LinearMicropower Dual Reference
LT1375HVCS8 Linear1.5A, 500kHz step-down switching regulators
LT1302-5 LinearMicropower High Output Current Step-Up Adjustable and Fixed 5V DC/DC Converters
LTC1148CN-5 LinearHigh efficiency synchronous step-down switching regulators, Uout=5V
LT1881 LinearDual and Quad Rail-to-Rail Output, Picoamp Input Precision Op Amps
LTC692CN8 LinearMicroprocessor supervisory circuits
LT1203 Linear150MHz Video Multiplexers
LTC1064-1 LinearLow Noise, 8th Order, Clock Sweepable Elliptic Lowpass Filter
LT685CH LinearHigh speed comparator
LT1186 LinearDAC Programmable CCFL Switching Regulator (Bits-to-Nits)
LT1016IN8 LinearUltraFast precision 10ns comparator
LT1675-1 Linear250MHz, Triple and Single RGB Multiplexer with Current Feedback Amplifiers
LTC1272-3CCS Linear12-Bit, 3us, 250kHz sampling A/D converter
LT1767EMS8-2.5 LinearMonolithic 1.5A, 1.25MHz step-ddown switching regulator, output =2.5V
LTC1044 LinearSwitched Capacitor Voltage Converter
LT1011MH LinearVoltage comparator
LTC1090ACN LinearSingle chip 10-bit data acquisition system
RH1011 LinearVoltage Comparator
LTC1164-5 LinearLow Power 8th Order Pin Selectable Butterworth or Bessel Lowpass Filter
LTC1503-2 LinearHigh Efficiency Inductorless Step-Down DC/DC Converter
LTC1262 Linear12V, 30mA Flash Memory Programming Supply
LTC485CS8 LinearLow power RS485 interface transceiver
LTC1154CN8 LinearHigh-side micropower MOSFET driver
LT1372CS8 Linear500kHz and 1MHz high efficiency 1.5A switching regulators
LT1963EQ-2.5 Linear1.5A, low noise, fast transient response LDO regulator, 2.5V
LTC1433 Linear450mA, Low Noise Current Mode Step-Down DC/DC Converter
LT1079IN LinearMicropower, quad, single supply, precision Op. Amp.

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