Path:okDatasheet > Полупроводникови Datasheet > KEC Datasheet > KEC-20
1B02 KIA7427F BC846A KTC4075 KRA552U KIA78L09BPV KIA7125F KIA6043S KIA7431F KRC857U KIA2431BS KTC3631D KF435 KIA8122AN KRC401 KRC110S KF448B KRX101E KIC7WZ38FK KIA78S07P KTK596 KRC246S KRC862U KIA6930S T16A6CI KIC7S32FU KRA722U KTC2874
Част Не | Производител | Заявление |
KF465AS | KEC | 400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm) |
BC638 | KEC | General Purpose Transistor |
KHX3681B02 | KEC | Duplexer |
KIA7427F | KEC | Active High Voltage Detector |
BC846A | KEC | NPN transistor for general purpose and switching applications |
KTC4075 | KEC | NPN transistor for general purpose and switching applications |
KRA552U | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KIA78L09BPV | KEC | 9V, 150mA (max) three terminal positive voltage regulator |
KIA7125F | KEC | CPU Reset, 1.25V Adjustable Detecting Voltage |
KIA6043S | KEC | PLL FM stereo multiplex for audio |
KIA7431F | KEC | Active High Voltage Detector |
KRC857U | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KIA2431BS | KEC | Shunt Regulator |
KTC3631D | KEC | Switching Transistor |
KF435 | KEC | 400MHz Band(50ohm) |
KIA8122AN | KEC | 3V AM/FM stereo tuner |
KRC401 | KEC | NPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With built-in bias resistors (4.7 and 4.7 kOm). |
KRC110S | KEC | NPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in 4.7 kOm bias resistor |
KF448B | KEC | 400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm) |
KRX101E | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KIC7WZ38FK | KEC | Dual 2 Inverter NAND Gate |
KIA78S07P | KEC | 7V, 150mA (max) three terminal positive voltage regulator |
KTK596 | KEC | Condenser Microphone Application |
KRC246S | KEC | NPN transistor for high current switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With built-in bias resistors (2.2 and 10 kOm). |
KRC862U | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KIA6930S | KEC | Stereo sound control system |
T16A6CI | KEC | AC Switching |
KIC7S32FU | KEC | 2 Input OR Gate |
KRA722U | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KTC2874 | KEC | NPN transistor for muting and switching applications |