Path:okDatasheet > Полупроводникови Datasheet > HP Datasheet > HP-15
#020 LSC2410-D4 HMMC-5023DC HCPL-2232#300 HLMP-1321 HLMP-UL23 HSMJ-T725 HLMP-Q152 HLMP-6500 AT-32033-BLK ATF-13786-STR HCPL-2202#300 MGA-86563-BLK LSC2410-SC HLMT-PL00 HFBR-2536 HDSP-3901 HFBR-1537 HDSP-6650TXV HLMP-6655 HLMT-CH00 HCPL-063A#500 AT-33225-TR1 PDT0412-FC-A 5962-8876
Част Не | Производител | Заявление |
HFBR-2412T | HP | Low cost, miniature fiber optic component with ST, SMA, SC and FC ports |
HCPL-2630#020 | HP | High CMR, high speed TTL compatible optocoupler |
LSC2410-D4 | HP | 1mW 14 pin DIL cooled laser module |
HMMC-5023DC | HP | 23GHz LNA (21.2-26.5GHz) |
HCPL-2232#300 | HP | Very high CMR, wide V logic gate optocouplers |
HLMP-1321 | HP | T-1(3mm) high intensity LED lamp |
HLMP-UL23 | HP | 5mm precision optical performance AlInGaP LED lamp |
HSMJ-T725 | HP | Surface mount high performance AlInGaP LED indicator |
HLMP-Q152 | HP | Subminiature high performance TS AlGaAs red LED lamp |
HLMP-6500 | HP | Subminiature LED lamp |
AT-32033-BLK | HP | Low current, high performance NPN silicon bipolar transistor |
ATF-13786-STR | HP | Surface mount gallium arsenide FET for oscillators |
HCPL-2202#300 | HP | Very high CMR, wide V logic gate optocouplers |
MGA-86563-BLK | HP | 0.5-6GHz low noise GaAs MMIC amplifier |
LSC2410-SC | HP | 1mW 14 pin DIL cooled laser module |
HLMT-PL00 | HP | Subminiature high performance AllnGaP LED lamp |
HFBR-2536 | HP | 125 megabaud versatile link the versatile fiber optic connection |
HDSP-3901 | HP | 20mm (0.8inch) seven segment display |
HFBR-1537 | HP | 125 megabaud versatile link the versatile fiber optic connection |
HDSP-6650TXV | HP | Four character 5mm hemetic 5x7 alphanumeric display for avionic applications, orange |
HLMP-6655 | HP | Subminiature LED lamp |
HLMT-CH00 | HP | 5mm, 3mm, high performance AlInGaP LED lamp |
HCPL-063A#500 | HP | HCMOS compatible, high CMR, 10MBd optocoupler |
AT-33225-TR1 | HP | 4.8V NPN common emitter output power transistor for AMPS, ET ACS phones |
PDT0412-FC-A | HP | Connectorized PIN photodiode |
5962-8876801XA | HP | Hermetically sealed, low I, wide V, logic gate optocoupler |
HLMP-6653 | HP | Subminiature LED lamp |
HDLG-2416 | HP | 5 x 7 alphanumeric display, green |
HCPL-543K | HP | Hermetically sealed, very high speed, logic gate optocoupler |
6N136#500 | HP | Single channel, high speed optocoupler |