Path:okDatasheet > Полупроводникови Datasheet > Clare Datasheet > Clare-22

1015 LAA127STR TD-41 TD-42 LAA120LS M-8870-01SM CM5S1020 CPC7583BATR TS120P XBA170P TN-74 MN2289 PMT(301)1.5 CM15-2249 TD-82 TN-46 TD-22 MN2286 LAA100PL M-8870-01 PAA150P XAA170 PLA110 CM15-2026 M-991-01SM PMT(275)350 LAA125P PD2401

Clare Схеми каталог-22

Част НеПроизводителЗаявление
TD-7988 Clare3.5 KV microwave noise tube and noise source
TG-181 Clare5.3-14 KV three electrode high-energy spark gap
CM15S1015 ClareMolded DYAD
LAA127STR ClareDual pole optoMOS relay, 250V
TD-41 Clare3.3 KV microwave noise tube and noise source
TD-42 Clare3.3 KV microwave noise tube and noise source
LAA120LS ClareDual pole optoMOS relay, 250V
M-8870-01SM ClareDTMF receiver
CM5S1020 ClareMolded ultra-mini DYAD
CPC7583BATR ClareLine card access switch
TS120P ClareMultifunction telecom switch
XBA170P ClareDual pole optoMOS relay
TN-74 Clare0.45 KV microwave noise tube and noise source
MN2289 ClareMini-dyad
PMT(301)1.5 Clare1.5 KV High-speed, high-current surge protector
CM15-2249 ClareMolded DYAD
TD-82 Clare0.9 KV microwave noise tube and noise source
TN-46 Clare1.5 KV microwave noise tube and noise source
TD-22 Clare2 KV microwave noise tube and noise source
MN2286 ClareMini-dyad
LAA100PL ClareDual pole optoMOS relay, 350V
M-8870-01 ClareDTMF receiver
PAA150P ClareDual pole optoMOS relay
XAA170 ClareDual pole optoMOS relay
PLA110 ClareSingle pole optoMOS relay
CM15-2026 ClareMolded DYAD
M-991-01SM ClareCall progress tone detector
PMT(275)350 Clare350V High-speed, high-current surge protector
LAA125P ClareDual pole optoMOS relay, 350V
PD2401 ClareAC solid state relay

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